Website / Blog
Website / Blog
Application / Job market
Website / Accomodation
Starting out in the late 90s with HTML and CSS, I fell in love with JavaScript in the past few years by rising frameworks like Vue, Svelte, and React. Working as a technical project manager at WONDROUS for over 6 years, I grew from an intern to the head of project management, leading all technical realization projects in the role of a director. In all those years, frontend development was the one thing I loved the most. Learning all this stuff and developing projects was the perfect compensation for my day job as a manager. In 2020 in the middle of a global pandemic, sure you remember, I forced a change in life and started my professional career as a developer. At codebar, I craft UIs for complex B2B apps with the help of VueJs, research technologies, define the future frontend stack, debug CI and fix UX issues, design buttons or mock some endpoints in a Laravel application. In my spare time, I love building small apps and websites with the JAM Stack, serverless functions for the rescue.
I’m always interested in meeting new people and work on cool projects in my spare time. If you like to talk about the web, drink a coffee or realize a project together, drop your email, and we’ll get in touch.